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Sign up to receive the monthly newsletter from KSPHQ

We all know what it’s like to get spammed and receive a ton of emails that feel more like a burden than information. So here’s what we promise:
  • One email per month, a second if we have big news or important announcements. You can usually count on a second during National Suicide Prevention Month (September) and Mental Health Awareness month (May).
  • We keep it resource-based. Sure, we may send you something else from time to time, but it’s our goal to include resources and information–still only 1-2 times per month unless we’re sending you a 1:1 email.
  • You can always unsubscribe. There will always be a little button at the bottom of your email that allows you to unsubscribe.
  • The mailing address is optional below. If you fill it in, we’ll periodically send you mail.
  • Why birthday? You’re valued and loved. Of course we want to celebrate your birthday!
  • There’s always a reply-to. If you spot an error or would like additional information, you’ll always be able to hit the reply button and get information or provide feedback. We’re always looking for newsletter ideas too! If there’s something you’d like to know more about, contact us!