Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universitat de Barcelona

Montalegre, 6

08001 Barcelona

July 4-6, 2024 with preconference workshops on July 3, 2024

Student tickets are $95 USD and are available by emailing us at: mail@icsamail.com. Must have current and valid student ID. 

Conference Theme:

 Evidence-based Practices in Cult Recovery

Consulta esta página en español 

Conference Agenda (subject to change)

2024 Conference agenda Barcelona tentative 24Apr2024.pdf

About ICSA Annual International Conferences

ICSA's annual conference is THE event in this field. The annual conference is typically three days in length with pre-conference workshops for former group members, researchers, mental health professionals, and educators.

Most annual conferences draw 200 to 300 attendees from around the world. Attendees include: former group members, families, helping professionals, researchers, lawyers, educators, and other interested persons. 

Recent annual conferences have had more than 100 speakers with 4-6 simultaneous tracks spread over three days, as well as preconference workshops. The conference includes special tracks for former members, families, mental health professionals, and researchers.

Unlike closed, cultic groups, ICSA is firmly committed to freedom of thought, expression, and religion. Hence, ICSA's conferences are open to people from diverse backgrounds with diverse points of view. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of ICSA's directors, staff, advisers, volunteers, or supporters. Former group members dealing with recovery issues should keep these points in mind and, when available, attend a preconference former member workshop, which will help them understand the challenges of an open conference. See ICSA's essay on dialogue for an elaboration of these concepts.

Founded in 1979, ICSA's mission is to provide information, education, and help to those adversely affected by or interested in cultic and other high-control groups and relationships. More Info

Founded in Montreal (Quebec, Canada) in 1980, Info-Cult: Centre for Assistance and for the Study of Cultic Phenomena, is a nonprofit charitable organization. Financed by the Quebec government’s Ministry of Health and Social Services as well as by contributions from individual donors, the organization provides help and information about groups, their ideologies and their structures.  More Info.