Speaker Interest Form
Our overall goal of the Facts & Snacks Educational Series is to help educate, empower, and enrich the community with education related to recovery. (desenshouse.org)

Our hope is that this will help to engage conversation, improve communication, break stigmas, and encourage you to rethink how you build meaningful connections, intimacy and relationships within Desens House and the Oswego County Community.

We are not experts or masters of this material. We simply have a drive to bring hope to the hopeless, love other people well, and initiate conversation.

The goal and vision would be 30-45 minutes for the talk, leaving time for discussion and enjoying snacks. This is a totally flexible framework! This could be Speaker Panel, Traditional Presentation, Conversational, and more. This is moldable and ever-changing, as God works and weaves this vision into reality.

We are a faith-based organization, however you do not need to be a Christian or have Christian beliefs to present. We simply ask that you are respectful of this during your talk, understanding our roots and the community you'll be presenting to.

Please fill out this form as openly and honestly as possible. I look forward to speaking with you and empowering you to bring this vision to life for our tribe!

Alicia Vann PT, DPT
Director of Resident Life
W: 315.326.1168
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Background (Career, Interests, Training, Passions, Etc.)
Facts & Snacks Talk Title (Tentative)
Talking Points (Tentative)
Availability to Meet & Plan to Prepare? (Days, Times)
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