Healing Starts Now: Improving Futures for Children Impacted by Addiction

Help Be the Change for Children to Heal!

Healing Starts Now: Improving Futures for Children Impacted by Addiction image


raised towards $10,000 goal


Days Left


Help Be the Change for Children to Heal!

DONATE TODAY to help these children impacted by parental addiction - so often the first hurt and the last helped.

1 in 4 children live in families impacted by addiction. So often, these kids and teens are suffering in silence, blaming themselves for what is happening to their parents and the family. So much attention is given to the adults with active addiction and their recovery, but we must remember the children deserve healing as well. Any donation, large or small is greatly appreciated and will be used to further our goal of allowing children of addiction to recover.

With Your Support, NACoA Aims to Provide Hope By:

- Increasing staffing availability to respond to family inquiries and provide support, resources, and service recommendations
- Printing and distributing 40 Children’s Program Kits via scholarship
- Providing one community with the program essentials and training with our Celebrating Families! Evidence-based program, satisfying a best practice to meet the needs for families in Family Treatment Courts.
- Fund one full year of online education and group discussion meetings for ACOAs (adult children impacted by family addiction) to promote healing and resilience

With Your Help, Healing Starts Now!