Thank You Manhattan!
7149 gifts to 91 funds

Thank you, Manhattan!

Grow Green Match Day has been a huge success and will provide $1.5 Million PLUS to Manhattan, Kansas charitable organizations! Thank you for supporting our community by making a gift through the Greater Manhattan Community Foundation. Please be patient as we continue to enter mailed gifts and stay tuned for the final total.  Checks will be coming in over the coming days, so the total will not be known for about a week.  But, WOW!  Thank you so much for your support.

This year, your contributions to participating agencies on match day can be used for their most crucial needs, and they will receive a 50% match that will be added to their endowments at GMCF.  What a great way to do "more good" for our friends and neighbors!

Stay informed with the latest updates on our Facebook page.

Grow Green Match Day 2024 Participants:

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